4-Channel 500W Pema Network Power Amplifier with OPDante Card & Protea DSP Software Suite (Low-Z)
Item ID: PEMA-4125D
Price: $4,629.00


The 4-Channel 500W Pema Network Power Amplifier from Ashly consists of eight inputs and four power amplifier outputs with the ability to assign any input to any output. The amplifier features pre-installed OPDante network audio interface card and the Protea DSP Software Suite. When switched into bridged-mono mode, four powered outputs deliver 75W into an 8 ohm load, 125W into an 4 ohm load, and channel pairs can be bridged for 250W into an 8 ohm load. The power amplifier includes Euroblock input connectors and Euroblock output connectors. Besides remote standby for power up, DC remote level control, and contact closure preset recall, the amplifier also features Ethernet control, level, mute, polarity, temperature, current, and amplifier over current conditions. The front panel indicates power status, standby, protect, power switch On/Off, signal level, bridge, temperature & current levels, and Ethernet communication. A temperature dependent speed-controlled axial fan shall maintain the correct operating temperature. Full programming and control of the unit is from the rear panel RJ-45 jack connected to a 10/100BASE-T Ethernet LAN connected to a PC running the Protea Software. The amplifier mounts in a standard 19” rack using two spaces (3.5” high). The power amplifier has an internal factory-installed Digital Signal Processing (DSP) controlled using the Protea Software Suite (network-enabled). Each amplifier input channel can be configured with pluggable DSP blocks to have its own dynamics control, gain functions, graphic and/or parametric EQ, Hi-pass/Lo-pass filters, time delay, metering, and test signal generator. Hot-plug DSP placement allows you to insert any function into any channel block, even when running live audio. A mixer section with assignable routing allows any input to drive any or all amplifier outputs. The matrix mixer also has selectable gain sharing automatic mixing capability. Outputs have the same DSP functions as inputs, with the addition
  • Low-Z (4 and 8 ohms)
  • 8x8 DSP matrix with 4-channel power amplifier
  • OPDante network audio interface
  • FIR Filter capable
  • Eight built-in mic preamp outputs
  • Gain sharing automatic mixing capability
  • Automatic feedback suppression
  • Ambient noise compensation
  • Telephone/PBX input
  • Dual RCA and balanced Euroblock inputs
  • Post DSP Aux line level outputs
  • Stereo summed to mono
  • Event scheduling (RTC)
  • Adjustable HP/LP filters
  • Built-in pink/white noise & sine wave generator
  • Protea DSP software suite
  • Hot-plug DSP placement
  • 15V phantom power for mic inputs
  • Full control using software over 10/100BASE-T Ethernet
  • Automatic DHCP network IP configuration
  • Euroblock connectors for preset recall, DC remote level control, and serial data control
  • External control via standard wall remotes, Ethernet wall remotes, Remote iPad app
  • Level control via variable DC control voltage
  • Stand-by mode activation via contact closure
  • Multi-level security
  • cTUVus, CE, FCC, & RoHS safety/compliance